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7 Random Things About Me December 31, 2008

Posted by B.J. Schone in eLearning.

Brent Schlenker tagged me for the 7 Random Things meme, so here we go:

1. I am always working on side projects.
Whether I’m designing a web site/web application for a small business or working with friends to come up with start-up ideas, I’m always getting myself into something. I suppose it keeps me out of trouble.

2. I don’t have a Facebook account.
I mainly use LinkedIn and Twitter for all my social media needs. Who knows, this may change.

3. I’m about to drink the Apple Kool-Aid.
I’ve been a PC user since I was 12, but I will be purchasing a Mac Book Pro in the first half of 2009. I keep hearing so many great things from friends about Apple and OSX, so I’m ready to give it a shot.

4. I love to play roller hockey and ultimate frisbee.
I’m not great at either, but I have a blast whenever I play.

5. I’m a big Nintendo Wii fan.
I stood in line over 13 hours to get one on the first day they came out (November 19th, 2006). Luckily, my wife is a big fan, too.

6. I visit reddit.com, digg.com, engadget.com, and twitter.com waaaay too often each day.
I have a thirst for news stories, current events, tech news, etc. I usually just skim each site for a minute or so, but I probably do it every one or two hours.

7. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
Sure, I have a career path in mind, but I find myself pondering my future on a regular basis. Fortunately, I enjoy my current work, so I’m in good shape for a while.

What are your 7 Random Things? Leave a comment!


1. A. Chan - January 2, 2009

Congratulations for your decision in getting a Mac!! The same as you i used PC for most of my life, until last May 2008, when i got my Baby Mac. The transition went smooth and there are times when i ask myself why did it take me sooo long. You will know what i mean, when you have yours… 🙂

2. B.J. Schone - February 7, 2009

Update: I finally signed up for Facebook, so number 2 above is inaccurate. I gave in to the pressure… So allow me to add one more random thing about myself to keep the list accurate:

The new #2: I keep moving west. I grew up in St. Charles, MO, moved to Kansas City, and then moved to San Diego. I suppose Hawaii or Australia is next?

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